Group Coaching

My Group Coaching program is designed to meet you where you are in your career and push you to the next level.

Tier 1: Open Group

Ideal for those new to the concept of coaching or those seeking initial guidance without a high investment.

Tier 2: Mastermind

Includes membership in an exclusive mastermind group and direct email access for personal guidance.

Tier 1: Open Group Features

  • Monthly group coaching sessions

  • Access to recorded content

  • Monthly Q&A sessions with Coach Eric

  • Role-playing & brainstorming scenarios to help your business

  • Community support through a dedicated online forum (COMING SOON)


  • Collaborative Learning: Members learn not just from the coach but also from the challenges and successes of other members, creating a rich learning environment.

  • Networking: Open groups provide a platform for building professional relationships that can lead to partnerships, collaborations, or new business opportunities.

  • Support and Encouragement: They offer a supportive community that motivates and encourages members, which is particularly valuable when dealing with difficult professional challenges or during times of significant growth or change.

Price: $100/month

You will not be charged until you are placed in a group.

Tier 2: Mastermind Features

  • Exclusive mastermind groups with other premium members

  • Weekly, topical group coaching sessions

  • All-inclusive access to all recorded content, including advanced learning materials

  • Direct email access to Coach Eric for personal guidance


  • Agenda Based: Effective mastermind groups operate with a structured agenda to ensure that each session is maximized for benefit. I’ll facilitate an agenda to keep our cohort on track.

  • Collaborative Learning: Members learn not just from the coach but also from the challenges and successes of other members, creating a rich learning environment.

  • Networking: Mastermind groups provide a platform for building a professional cohort that can help your business grow.

  • Goal Setting and Accountability: Members often share their short-term goals with the group and update them on their progress, receiving support and accountability.

Price: $900/month

You will not be charged until you are placed in a group.

Group Coaching FAQs

  • Each group coaching session is designed to help you build key skills in areas like communication, decision-making, and leadership. You'll receive practical advice, engage in role-playing exercises, and participate in discussions that challenge you to think and act strategically. Expect to leave each session with actionable insights that you can apply immediately in your professional life.

  • Groups are formed based on similar professional interests and goals to ensure that discussions and learning are relevant and beneficial to all members. We consider your career stage, industry, and personal growth targets when assembling groups.

  • Tier 1 requires a commitment of one session per month, making it ideal for those new to group coaching. Tier 2 involves bi-weekly sessions and is suited for those who seek more frequent engagement. Tier 3 offers weekly sessions and includes additional resources for maximum growth and personal attention.

  • Absolutely! We understand that your needs may change as you grow. You're free to move between tiers as you see fit, based on your development progress and the challenges you face. We can adjust your plan at the beginning of each new billing cycle.

  • If you're unsure about which tier to choose, I recommend booking a consultation call with me. We'll discuss your specific goals and challenges, and I can help you select the tier that best fits your current needs.

  • We encourage consistent attendance to get the most out of the group dynamic. We understand that conflicts can arise but you will still be charged your monthly fee. Recordings of each session are available, so you won't miss out on the valuable insights discussed.

  • Yes, all participants receive access to a library of resources, including worksheets, recordings of past sessions, and supplementary reading materials. Higher tiers also get exclusive content designed to deepen their learning and application of the skills.

  • Yes, I offer a one-time trial session for new members at no charge (based on availability). This session lets you experience the group coaching format and decide if it's the right fit for you before committing to a full month. Contact to setup a trial session.

  • When you sign up for any of my group coaching tiers, you'll receive a promo code that can be used to enroll in our 6-week Attitude Assessment and Leadership Coaching program at a 30% discount. This offer is valid for your first year of coaching.

  • Eric is an experienced professional with a background in leadership development, communications, product development, and change management. Eric has been helping introverts and others enhance their leadership skills in various industries, particularly high-tech and creative fields. Read his story.

Group Coaching Sign Up Form